Friday, January 30, 2004

WOODY: What's up there?

QUINN: Let's go see.... Here, Manuel, boost me up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

QUINN: Right there, Lea! See it? There's a bug right there! You have to fix it.

MANUEL: Hm. She's right. It looks wrong.

WOODY: Where?

LEA: Yeah, yeah. That's a tool bug. The Tools team already knows about it.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Hi, Chuck! (We have to say hi to Chuck. He's our biggest -- and so far, our only -- fan.)

Friday, January 23, 2004

MANUEL: For a while there, we thought you were a goner.

CHUCK: I'm glad he made it....

LEA: Guys,... Leave my potpourri crystals alone.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

QUINN: Who knew someone without a mouth could ingest something?

MANUEL: Okay.... Airway, check.... Breathing, check.... What was the "C" again?

QUINN: I dunno.... Where's his sternum supposed to be?

Sunday, January 18, 2004

What on earth...?

Friday, January 16, 2004

Hm, what's in here?

Monday, January 12, 2004

When Lea came back from the holidays, the Grays moved in. Manuel introduced himself, but Quinn is a bit wary.

QUINN (whispering to Manuel): He has no face! How can you trust someone if you can't look them in the eye?

Friday, January 2, 2004

WOODY: These are my buddies: Mr. Brown and Mr. Bean. They sit by the window and do nothing. What a life!

Thursday, January 1, 2004

WOODY: Hi! My name is Woody. I live in this office.

About the creation

Woody was the first artist model I got. I don't even remember when or where I got him. I bought him to do some sketching with, but I realized that these artist models are not interesting to sketch. It was more fun posing them. So, I posed Woody in my office once in a while, experimenting with sports positions – golfing, bowling, basketball. Then, in September 2003, I went on my third Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and I had him posed enthusiastically taking a long stride. When I got back after the walk, Chuck remarked about it, as he walked by my office. I had an audience!

That same year, while shopping for Christmas gifts for my nephew Ian at the local Daniel Smith store, I found the more articulated gray plastic ones and I brought them in when I got back from my holiday vacation. I named them Manuel and Quinn, from the word "mannequin". Well, I needed names that were easy to remember....

So, the series began. Chuck remained the sole audience and critic for a while. "They're funny!" he said. So, one night, I had them sit and wave at the door and, when Chuck walked by the next day, I waved too. "You've been waiting all day to do that, weren't you?" he asked. ;-)

One day, Chuck asked if I had pictures of them. He wanted to show them to his wife. Of course, I did! So, I posted them up in the internal web and added captions.

Slowly, more and more people noticed the mannequins. Sheridan suggested letting other people post their own captions; I'm still working on that. Troy suggested starting a marketing blitz with t-shirts and mugs; I'm still working on that too. So, I had to get it out on the World Wide Web. And here we are.